
Authentication Using Python Requests


Securely authenticate to a REST API using Python requests sessions.

  • Python 3.x
  • requests library (Install using pip install requests)


  1. Import Library:

    import requests
  2. Create Session Object: Create a session object to persist parameters across requests.

    session = requests.Session()
  3. Set Authentication: If using basic authentication, use session.auth.

    session.auth = ('username', 'password')

    For token-based authentication, add the token to the session headers.

    session.headers.update({"X-API-KEY": 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'})
  4. Make Authenticated Requests: Use the session object to make requests.

    response = session.get('{endpoint}')
  5. Handle Response: Process the response as required.

    data = response.json()


  • Replace 'username', 'password', and 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' with actual credentials.
  • The '' is a placeholder for the actual API endpoint. you to explore each section of this documentation thoroughly to gain a comprehensive understanding of our REST API. Our goal is to provide you with all the tools and knowledge you need to successfully integrate our API into your projects and achieve your development goals. Happy coding!